Build Profitable AI Tools Without Writing Code

40,000+ validated tool ideas you can build using AI and no-code tools. Perfect for founders, creators, and developers alike.

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Tools Built By Our Community Real examples of tools built using our database

CSV Tools →

Convert CSV files to JSON format and vice versa. Built by Ben Maddox using ideas from the database.

CSV Tools Example

PFP Resizer

Built by Yuyu →

A profile picture resizer tool that allows you to resize your profile picture to any size.

PFP Resizer Example

And 100's More Success Stories...

Why Choose Our Database? Everything is researched, validated, and ready to build

Niche Tools Community See how others are using our database to launch profitable tools

"I've appreciated all the tools listed on Do NOT discount the value of the discord community! and are my first sites directly inspired by the niche tools database!"

Ben Maddox
Ben Maddox @benwmaddox

"I've always been a big fan of simple tools to accomplish quick tasks. These can be a huge help to get through the day-to-day tasks that we commonly come across and the most simple tool can have big results."

Travis Travis

"Found the idea to build water intake calculator through niche web tools. Pretty surprising to see a bunch of very niche tools that are performing really well."

Yuyu Yuyu

"Got access and was surprised at how many web tools there are that still haven't been built. I found a keyword I loved and am building a full cluster site around it. Worth the time saved."

E EJ Mezzada

"I was following matt for awhile with his niche tools twitter posts. I finally pulled the trigger and i'm glad I did."

D Donald C.

"Just found this database of high search volume, low DR tools. NicheTools is SUPER valuable!"

David Gutiérrez David Gutiérrez

"Love how easy it is to filter plus the backlinks table is helpful on where I should submit first."

Sergiu Sergiu

"Very useful and practical! There's not a lot of fluff or filler. I found some great ideas for tools in this database"

Ali Abidi
Ali Abidi @ali_abidi

"I couldn't believe how many untapped web tools there still are. Search volumes of 20k+ and a DR score of 4. Just amazing!"

T Tom

"Now that niche sites are dead, tools are the next big thing. Recommend"

Jack Batian @jackson_gathondu

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$399 $199 USD
  • 40,000+ validated tool ideas with search volume and competition data.
  • Includes over 10,000 Exact Match Domains
  • Plus 300+ directories to submit your tool to
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  • AI Prompt Templates for Quick Tool Building
  • 1 on 1 help from me
  • Access to my portfolio of tools(see how I rank)
  • Database of Popular Tools sites like to inspire your ideas
  • Lifetime Updates Included
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