MIT Living Wage Calculator

Required Annual Income

Living Wage: $0.00 /year

Hourly Rate: $0.00 /hour

Monthly Expense Breakdown

Expense Category Amount
Housing $0.00
Food $0.00
Transportation $0.00
Healthcare $0.00
Other Necessities $0.00

Local Minimum Wage: $0.00 /hour

Wage Gap: $0.00 /hour

What is the MIT Living Wage Calculator?

The MIT Living Wage Calculator estimates the cost of living in your area based on typical expenses. It helps determine the income required to meet minimum standards of living.

How the Calculator Works

This calculator uses data from MIT's research to estimate:

Expense Categories Explained


Includes rent/mortgage, utilities, and basic maintenance costs based on local market rates.


Based on the USDA's low-cost food plan, adjusted for local prices and family size.


Includes public transit or car ownership costs, maintenance, and fuel.


Covers insurance premiums and typical out-of-pocket medical expenses.

Factors Affecting Living Wage

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the living wage calculated?

The living wage is calculated using MIT's methodology, which considers local costs for basic needs including housing, food, transportation, and healthcare, plus taxes and other necessities.

How often is the data updated?

The underlying data is typically updated annually by MIT, incorporating changes in local costs and economic conditions.

Why does the living wage vary by location?

Living wages vary due to differences in local costs for housing, food, transportation, and other necessities, as well as varying tax rates and available public benefits.

Important Note

This calculator provides estimates based on MIT's methodology and data. Actual costs may vary based on individual circumstances and specific local conditions.

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